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Flow Fysio es una empresa de Janina Rajecki Davis, fisioterapeuta y entrenadora. Durante los ultimos 13 años Janina ha trabajado con atletas, deportistas recreativos como tambien ha ayudado a personas inactivas  a cuidar su salud y cuerpo .

Su enfoque holistico en cuidar a los clientes hace que se recuperen de las lesiones de una forma eficaz y con resultados duraderos. Ella ha trabajado en España, Estados Unidos y ahora en Finlandia. Se puede encontrar Janina hoy en Terapiapiste , una clinica de fisioterapia en Helsinkin, Finlandia.


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Unos meses al año Janina esta en España, donde sigue teniendo su empresa Southern Track, un empresa que organiza vacaciones deportivos y campos de entrenamiento hecho a medida para atletas.

Gracias! Mensaje enviado!


Janina is the creator of the 'Runner's Licence', a test protocol which helps to detect factors behind repetitive strain injuries in recreational and professional runners as well as triathletes. Besides her degree on Physcial therapy she has done the following  continous learning qualifications:

  •  Fundamental and clinical perspectives on the shoulder complex

  •  Dry Needling, Puncion seca y liberacion de puntos gatillo miofasciales

  •  Physiotherapy Conference, Fysioterapia 2016, “Lower Extremities”

  • Kinesiotaping, Basic and Advanced Techniques

  • Functional Anatomy and Palpation of the Spine

  • Functional Anatomy, Palpation and Manual Therapy of the Shoulder Complex and Upper Extremities

  • Fascia Training Workshop

From Fitness and Sports she has the following qualifications: 

  • Running Technique Instructor

  • Kettlebell Instructor

  • MMA Fitness Instructor

  • Indoor Cycling Instructor

  • Zumba Instructor

  • Gym Instructor

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Janina’s holistic approach to physical therapy has helped me overcome a couple of injuries while I was training for my first marathon. During my training, I had very painful shin splints on the front of my right lower leg and tightness/pain on my left hip. In order to understand the underlying cause of my problems, Janina first asked me many questions about my lifestyle and training, watched my postured while I walked and did mobility tests. She then identified where my pain was really coming from and found out that the reason I had shin splints and hip pain/tightness were mainly because of overcompensation. Janina’s approach was really helpful because she was able to identify a few things I was unconsciously doing that were harming my health and prescribed me a few exercises to stretch and strengthen the correct muscles. Unlike many physical therapists I had been to, Janina addresses/evaluates more than a patient’s immediate symptoms/condition…she has guided me to a healthier lifestyle and helped me get back on the road so I could complete my first marathon.

Female, 28 years

Within the first 6 weeks of starting Ironman training, I was experiencing a few unusual sensations that concerned me – in my back and shoulders.  By happenstance, I was introduced to Janina.  She was able to immediately come to my home with her mobile table to assess and form an improvement plan.  She noted my limitations, abilities, and where I could get to – if I did the physical work needed.  Her goal was to get me on my way, as quick as possible using natural solutions – avoiding MRI and prescriptions.  She listens carefully to determine symptom vs cause.  Janina did excellent work on some breast bone fascia that was really in dire need of attention, limited my swim stroke.  I am so grateful for her personalized assessment and her expertise.  I really appreciate her eye contact, professional touch, and honesty.  Janina is a stellar human, REALLY!   I am back on track and feeling much better.

Female, 42 years

I wish I had found you ealier! I feel so much better now! 

Male athlete, 32 years

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